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An Update From the Superintendent re: Band Camp 2024

Farmingdale High School Marching Band thumbnail260964

Hello to Our Farmingdale Family,

I wanted to share this message to let you all know that our students have arrived home safely from marching band camp. It is hard to imagine that it has been a year since the bus accident. Amidst the challenges and obstacles, we made a courageous decision to travel back to Pine Forest Camp. Our kids, as they so often do, led the way. We used our students voices as our guide post and they couldn’t have been more right.

On the night we arrived, our band directors led a small ceremony and tree dedication honoring the memory of Bea and Gina. Mr. Abrams, Mr. DeMasi and Bea’s daughter Angela spoke in their own quiet way to our entire marching band. They told funny stories about these two amazing women. They helped to illustrate the legacy they left behind. Without saying it, what they really did that night was give everyone in attendance permission to move on.

Our kids took that message and turned this year’s time at Pine Forest into the most spirited and uplifting band camp experiences in history. It was a time of healing. It was a time to come together. For me and for others at the camp, Karaoke night was the turning point this weekend. It is an event that will never be forgotten. Our kids sang with joy. They sang with passion and enthusiasm. It wouldn’t surprise me if on that special night you heard their voices echoing through the streets of Farmingdale. That night they stood together and turned a page, saying in one collective voice, we are Daler Strong, we will rise and we will stand as one. I have attached a video for you to watch.

Our marching band rewrote some important core memories this weekend. Memories that will live with them forever. I know that I speak for the entire staff and chaperone team when I say bravo to these brave warrior Dalers. They have proven, yet again, that there is nothing they cannot overcome together. Have a great night Farmingdale and enjoy the video.

Watch the Band Camp video HERE!

By The Numbers