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Unleashing Happiness at Howitt Middle School with Weekly Pet Rescue Program thumbnail257627
Unleashing Happiness at Howitt Middle School with Weekly Pet Rescue Program thumbnail257628
Unleashing Happiness at Howitt Middle School with Weekly Pet Rescue Program thumbnail257629
Unleashing Happiness at Howitt Middle School with Weekly Pet Rescue Program thumbnail257630
Unleashing Happiness at Howitt Middle School with Weekly Pet Rescue Program thumbnail257631
Unleashing Happiness at Howitt Middle School with Weekly Pet Rescue Program thumbnail257632

The collaboration between The WildLife Warriors Club, The Swiftie Society, and the Howitt Middle School Building Safety and Wellness Committee has been a heartwarming success. Every week during teacher and staff lunch breaks, a new pet rescue or therapy dog program is introduced at Howitt. The main goal is to offer the adults at Howitt Middle School a chance to de-stress and find comfort in the presence of these furry visitors. The initiative has brought joy and laughter to the school, with staff thoroughly enjoying interacting with the pets.

Adults benefit from this program, and animals reap the rewards. By socializing the puppies and kittens in these settings, the animal rescue groups are helping prepare them for adoption, increasing their chances of finding forever homes. The rescue groups greatly appreciate the opportunity to engage with potential adopters and foster families, who see the value in these interactions.

In a beautiful display of compassion and creativity, the students from the Swiftie Society went above and beyond by crafting cat toys to donate to Tender Loving Cats Rescue (TLC). This thoughtful gesture showcases the spirit of generosity and kindness that thrives within the Howitt community. Each group that brings therapy dogs or adoptable pets to our school shares their love for animals and receives a donation to support their noble cause.

The impact of this pet rescue and therapy dog program extends far beyond the school grounds, touching the lives of both humans and animals alike. It serves as a reminder of the power of collaboration, compassion, and community in creating a brighter and more caring world.

By The Numbers