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dozens of teachers posing for a picture in a library thumbnail260599
dozens of teachers posing for a picture in a library thumbnail260600

Farmingdale Schools' New Teacher Orientation Sets the Stage for a Fruitful Academic Year

Students aren't the only ones who must prepare for the first day of class. Teachers do, too! Farmingdale Schools welcomed over thirty newly appointed educators to the district. A three-day New Teacher Orientation—hosted at Weldon E. Howitt Middle School and led by Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Jennifer Olsen provided new educators with the opportunity to meet key staff and learn about a range of topics, from school culture and curriculum standards to safety and digital technology in the classroom. The orientation included interactive workshops where new teachers engaged in collaborative activities and discussions about effective teaching strategies. Veteran teachers were on hand to offer firsthand advice and support their new colleagues.

Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Michael Ferretti led the group on a school bus tour that began with a ride down Farmingdale’s Main Street. The bus tour familiarizes the new educators with the community and work facilities. They traveled to all six schools in the district, and building principals shared insights about their respective schools.

By the end of the orientation, the new teachers felt confident and prepared to start the school year. The district looks forward to seeing the positive impact these dedicated educators will have on the Farmingdale community. Teachers will officially head back to the classroom on September 3. The first day of school in Farmingdale School District is September 5.

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