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During the April break, 44 Dalers from eleventh and twelfth grade got the experience of a lifetime traveling to Europe through a trip run by EF (Education First) Tours. They were able to experience the majestic city of London, Paris, the city of lights and enjoy the historical and culinary wonders of Rome. The students experienced everything from Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the London Eye to the twinkling Eiffel Tower and the extravagant Palace of Versailles to the Roman Coliseum, Trevi Fountain and the Vatican, including a surprise visit from Mr. Herman. Throughout the week, the students were able to form new friendships while experiencing all the history, art, culture and cuisine of these three beautiful cities.

The trip was organized by Ms. Colleen Bradley and Mrs. Ivelysse Powers. Additional chaperones were Ms. Kelli Bertucci, Mr. Anthony Eason, Mr. Scott Ethe-Sayers, Mr. Joseph Franzino and Mrs. Melissa Nugent.

By The Numbers