Farmingdale High School’s Victory On and Off the Field
Marching forward with melody and hope. Friday night's homecoming game was one to remember for the Farmingdale community. Don Snyder stadium was packed with fans wearing green, many sporting Daler Strong shirts. The football game was no contest, but the real winner of the evening was Farmingdale High School’s marching band. This was their first public performance since the tragic bus accident that injured several students and claimed the lives of their inspiring band director, Gina Pellettiere, and chaperone, Bea Ferrari. The band's resilience after such a devastating loss was inspiring.
“I could not be any prouder of our marching band students and directors in how they handled themselves during these difficult times,” said Farmingdale Director of Fine and Performing Arts Greg Warnokowski. “They came together on the football field as a band family and worked as a team to put on Friday's halftime show.”
Pre-game festivities included a pep rally, where Superintendent Paul Defendini announced that the last injured student had been released from the hospital. The pep band and drumline pounded away as the beloved lion mascot, Dale, took to the floor. Performances by the junior and varsity cheerleaders, the Dalerettes, and the Step-n-Dalers immediately followed. The gymnasium was packed with excited fans, and the entire community was able to join in on the festivities thanks to a live stream.
“Farmingdale High School is more than just a building; it’s a community,” said Principal Jed Herman. “Tonight's Pep Rally is a testament to the strength and resilience of our students. I couldn't be prouder of how they've come together these past two weeks, supporting each other and showing the world that nothing can bring us down when we stand together.”
On the field, the Dalers beat the Baldwin Bruins by 42-0, remaining undefeated. The halftime show was spectacular, courtesy of the Farmingdale High School Marching Band, Daler Guard, Cheerleaders, and the Dalerettes. The energy in the stadium was electric as the band began to play. The precision and passion with which they played were a testament to the students' and teachers' hard work and dedication. The stadium erupted in cheers as the band completed their routine, with tears of joy and pride streaming down the faces of many in attendance. The Marching Band dedicated their halftime performance to their two angels, Ms. P and Bea.
“I think we can all agree that the last two weeks have taken us all on a profound and overwhelming roller coaster of emotions,” said Superintendent of Schools Paul Defendini. “Our resilience and ability to band together has made all the difference. Tonight, in Daler fashion, we showed the world how we do things here in Farmingdale.”