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District Food Services Gets a New Logo Courtesy of High School Student

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Farmingdale School District’s Food Services logo design winner and runners-up. (from L-R) Sophomore (2nd place) Kasey Boyle, sophomore Lucia Assalone (1st place), and sophomore Paige Mathes (3rd place)
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Farmingdale School District’s new Food Services logo, designed by Farmingdale High School sophomore Lucia Assalone.

Earlier this school year, Farmingdale School District’s Food Services director, Alessandro Palumbo, had an idea to rebrand the department. He reached out to Greg Warnokowski, director of Fine and Performing Arts, and together came up with the food services logo contest.

Farmingdale High School art teachers were tasked with getting their students involved with the rebranding. Students interested in the contest created designs featuring the Farmingdale school colors, logos, and mascot.

After sorting through all the entries, Palumbo selected a winner. Sophomore Lucia Assalone created the new logo of the Farmingdale Food Services Department. Lucia’s design will appear on department letterhead, food menus, and staff uniforms. In addition, Lucia was awarded a complimentary food services uniform shirt featuring her design and ten free snacks from the cafeteria.

Runners-up, sophomores Kasey Boyle (2nd place) and Paige Mathes (3rd place), received several free snacks from the cafeteria for their designs. Thanks to everyone who entered the contest, and congratulations to the finalists.

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