To The Farmingdale Community,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As the Farmingdale Board of Education, we are committed to fostering transparency, openness, and community engagement in all matters related to our schools. We are delighted to share some exciting developments for the upcoming 2023/24 school year that will provide you with enhanced access to the inner workings of our Board.

In our ongoing effort to create a more inclusive and informed educational community, we are pleased to announce the addition of a series of public meetings in the form of work sessions. These work sessions will serve as an opportunity for our community members to witness firsthand the detailed discussions, deliberations, and decision-making processes that shape our educational policies and initiatives.

During these work sessions, you will have the chance to witness the Board explore various topics of interest. While public participation sessions will not be a part of the agenda for these work sessions, you will gain firsthand insight into how our Board functions and the considerations that go into our decision-making.

Starting in the 2023/24 school year, all our meetings, including both regular meetings and work sessions, will be recorded and made available to the public. Regular meetings of the Board of Education and Work Sessions will not be live-streamed beginning in the month of October. These meetings will be recorded and made available to the public in the days that follow. We understand that not everyone can attend every meeting in person, and this initiative aims to ensure that our entire community has access to the information and discussions taking place within the Board of Education.

Below, you will find a list of the scheduled work sessions for the 2023/24 school year, along with the topics to be discussed. The list of topics that are outlined below is subject to change. All meetings will be held at 6 p.m. (with the exception of the March 13 meeting, which will be held at 8 p.m.). All work sessions will take place in the Howitt Middle School East Cafeteria.

  • October 25- Tax Levy/ Safety Update
  • November 15- Armed Guards/ Human Resource Newsletter/ Curriculum and Instruction Website Updates
  • January 31- Alternative School/ Data Presentation (iReady)
  • February 29- Budget Workshop (Revenue)
  • March 13- Budget Workshop (Appropriations)
  • May 23- Math Curriculum Review Committee

We encourage you to mark your calendars for these dates and take advantage of this opportunity to witness the Board’s decision-making process, either in person or through the recorded sessions, as we serve our fellow Dalers by focusing on the future of education in Farmingdale.

Thanks for your continued support. We look forward to working collaboratively with you in the upcoming school year.

Yours In Service,

Ralph Morales Ralph Morales BOE President

Suzanne D’Amico Suzanne D’Amico BOE Vice President

Anthony Giordano Anthony Giordano BOE Trustee

Michael Goldberg Michael Goldberg BOE Trustee

Sheree Jones Sheree Jones BOE Trustee

Kathy Lively Kathy Lively BOE Trustee

Dawn Luisi Dawn Luisi BOE Trustee