Farmingdale's 5th Annual Elementary STEAM Night, held on March 21st, was a fantastic night of hands-on learning. Teachers and student volunteers helped guide families through a fun-filled evening celebrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math in a carnival-like atmosphere filled with games, puzzles, and activities.
“STEAM Night is my favorite night of the year,” said Director of Science Dr. Kristen Cummings. “As soon as you arrive, you can feel a positive energy. The most amazing part is that it is a true community effort that brings the entire district together.”
Farmingdale’s Elementary STEAM Night, attended by more than 600 people, had over 100 volunteers manning dozens of engaging stations. Some of the more popular demonstrations were: A Shocking Development, Make your Flashlight, The Science of the Electric Guitar, Whirly Swirly Pipe Making Sounds, Make Your Ice Cream, Doodle Bots, Slinky Fall, Football Fizzicks, Fold and Fly, Anatomy Assembly, Mini Metric Olympics, Quivervision, Slippery Slime, Penny Boats, and Mix with Minions.
Several Farmingdale High School clubs played a massive part in the night’s success—Robotics, Science Olympiad, Women In STEM, Science Research Club, Real Harmony, Health Science Club, and Theatre students. Teacher volunteers from the district’s six buildings were also on hand to help the event run smoothly.
A big thank you to the Farmingdale Teacher Center (FTC), who helped support the preparation for the night, and to the Farmingdale Federation of Teachers (FFT) for donating the STEAM Night string bags that were given to all the guests.
An event as grand as STEAM Night doesn’t happen without countless hours of planning and re-planning. Farmingdale School District’s Director of Science, Dr. Kristen Cummings, National Science Honor Society Members, their advisors Sara Whitaker, Mike Boyd, and STEAM Night Coordinators Tatiana Hakimian and Julie Bonventere can rest assured that STEAM Night was a hit with families. The Daler community can not wait for next year’s event!