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Virtual After-School Tutoring

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On Monday, January 10, the school district will be launching our Virtual After-School Tutoring support for our quarantined students. With the increase of COVID infection rates, we have seen an increase in students who have needed to be quarantined. K-12 teachers have been providing instructional resources and support materials asynchronously through our learning platform, Schoology, for these students. However, we want to provide the students with more synchronous learning and/or social/emotional support. Students will be able to log into these Google Meets, ask questions and be provided instructional and emotional support.

This new virtual tutoring platform is organized by building. It provides a wide array of services for our general and special education students. Students with disabilities please note that there are additional supports listed to help you while you are in quarantine. If you have any questions, please contact your Special Education Chairperson.

Click here for links to each buildings’ after-school tutoring schedules.

The district will add more sessions based on need. The platform will be up and running by Monday, January 10, 2022, and will be open until February 18, 2022.


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