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Hi, my name is Ellie Hilton, I have type one diabetes, and I am entering sixth grade at Howitt Middle School this September. Last summer, I got a diabetic alert dog named Biscuit. He is trained to alert me when my blood sugar is high or low. Biscuit was only six months old when I got him, and because of the Covid-19 shutdown, he never trained in a school. Biscuit was too young to stay with me full-time this past school year, so my mom, a teacher at Howitt, brought Biscuit to school with her most days for training. Even when he wasn't with me, he could detect my blood sugar changes. He could sense the highs and lows from across town when I was at Northside, and he was with my mom at Howitt. This September, though, Biscuit will be with me all day.

I am so happy that Biscuit was able to train with my mom at Howitt. I know everyone loved having him around and can’t wait to have him back in the halls again this year.

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By The Numbers