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Senior Signs go up all over Town

Teachers in front of FHS thumbnail169294
Teachers in front of FHS

On Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Assistant Principal Jed Herman and ten teachers from Farmingdale High School went out into the community with 500 posters of the senior class of 2020 to ask various stores and businesses to place them in their windows. It’s one of the many ideas administrators are implementing to give graduating seniors the milestone moments they are missing out on because of the pandemic.

“The business owners were more than delighted to display the signs and pose for a picture next to it,” said Student Government Advisor Ivelysse Powers."The funding for the endeavor was provided by the FHS Student Government Association and many other clubs in the building.

A gigantic version of the poster is presently hanging on the outside wall of Farmingdale High School for all to admire, and a collection of photographs of the storefronts can be viewed on the Farmingdale School District’s Facebook page and the FHSDalerPride Instagram account



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