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Health Services

The Farmingdale School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children's health, well-being and the ability to learn by supporting healthy eating habits and physical activity.

New York State Law requires a health examination for all students entering the school district for the first time AND when entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades.   A copy of the health examination must be provided to the school within 30 days from when your child starts school. A copy of the health exam form and important health notification letters can be found on the website.

Vision and hearing screenings will be required within six months of admission to school and in grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11. Scoliosis screenings will be required for girls in grades 5 and 7 and for boys in grade 9.

As Per New York Statewide School Health Services, any child who comes to school with a "medical assistive device" such as crutches, splints, ankle boots, immobilizers, casts or wheelchairs, requires a doctor's note/order to be allowed in school with that specified device.

Dental Health Certificate
New York State law (Chapter 281) permits schools to request a dental examination in the following grades: school entry, Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. Your child may have a dental check-up during this school year to assess his/her fitness to attend school. Please take the K-12 Dental Examination Form to your dentist and return the completed form to the school’s nurse as soon as possible.


By The Numbers