Business Honor Society students from Farmingdale High School visited our elementary schools to teach a fun interactive lesson about Financial Literacy.  thumbnail240715
Business Honor Society students from Farmingdale High School visited our elementary schools to teach a fun interactive lesson about Financial Literacy.  thumbnail240716
Business Honor Society students from Farmingdale High School visited our elementary schools to teach a fun interactive lesson about Financial Literacy.  thumbnail240717
Business Honor Society students from Farmingdale High School visited our elementary schools to teach a fun interactive lesson about Financial Literacy.  thumbnail240718
Business Honor Society students from Farmingdale High School visited our elementary schools to teach a fun interactive lesson about Financial Literacy.  thumbnail240719
Business Honor Society students from Farmingdale High School visited our elementary schools to teach a fun interactive lesson about Financial Literacy.  thumbnail240720

Having the proper skills and knowledge about what to do with money and how to use it wisely at a young age is key to an excellent financial grasp for the future. Business Honor Society students from Farmingdale High School visited our elementary schools to teach a fun interactive lesson about Financial Literacy. Fourth graders learned the basics–saving up allowances, controlling impulsive buys, finding ways to make money through chores and lemonade stands, etc.Several business students mentioned having a newfound respect for all the planning and execution that goes into teaching.